Research Groups

Stoll, Carsten

Researcher Carsten Stoll Optical Performace Capture Name of Research Group: Optical Performace Capture Mentor Saarbrücken: Christian Theobalt Research Mission: Creating high-quality and realistic virtual content is nowadays an important task for modern virtual worldsMe games and movies. While it is possible to roughly capture the motion and static shape of performers and scenes, capturing subtle surface motion details and appearance of actors (such as muscle bulging, cloth motion or facial wrinkles) and details of real scenes (such as moving leaves on trees) is still a challenging...

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Stark, Michael

Researcher Michael Stark Visual Object Recognition and Scene Interpretation Name of Research Group: Visual Object Recognition and Scene Interpretation Personal Homepage: Mentor Saarbrücken: Bernt Schiele Mentor Stanford: Daphne Koller Research Mission: The interpretation of visual scenes through computer vision algorithms has gained increasing importance in a wide variety of applications, such as information retrieval, robotics, and autonomous driving. A major challenge lies in the severely under-constrained nature of the scene...

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Ritschel, Tobias

Researcher Tobias Ritschel Rendering and GPUs Name of Research Group: Rendering and GPUs Personal Homepage: Mentor Saarbrücken: Hans-Peter Seidel Research Mission: Efficient realistic image synthesis is important for a number of applications, ranging from feature film production over computer games to everyday applications like geo-visualization. We seek to synthesize high-fidelity imagery as currently found in movie productions that take considerable effort and time to produce using common graphics hardware found on everyday devices of varying...

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Oulasvirta, Antti

Researcher Antti Oulasvirta Adaptive Multimodal User Interfaces Personal Homepage: Mentor Saarbrücken: Hans-Peter Seidel Research Mission: The limits of human performance in computer use are determined jointly by the properties of the user interface (UI) and the human perceptual, motor, and cognitive systems. Recent technological advances have vastly expanded the means for constructing UIs, but we still see limited progress in overcoming the traditional interfaces in user performance. The group's mission is to identify the optima of interactive...

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Butscher, Adrian

Researcher Adrian Butscher Geometry Processing and Discrete Differential Geometry Name of Research Group: Geometry Processing and Discrete Differential Geometry Personal Homepage: Mentor Saarbrücken: Hans-Peter Seidel Mentor Stanford: Leonidas Guibas Research Mission: Many forms of data are geometric in nature - from discrete representations of 3D objects (e.g. range scan data from real-world objects) to high-dimensional data exhibiting lower-dimensional manifold structure (e.g. dense measurements of a system that evolves by simpler...

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Bokeloh, Martin

Researcher Martin Bokeloh Inverse Procedural Modeling Personal Homepage: Mentor Saarbrücken: Hans-Peter Seidel Mentor Stanford: Vladlen Koltun Research Mission: Creation of high-quality content for virtual environments has become a major bottleneck in movie and game productions. Large collections of 3D objects are already available, however, these objects rarely fit into a specific scenario and need to be manually adapted to meet artistic and technical constraints which is, even with modern design tools, a tedious task that requires...

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