Research Groups

Giesen, Joachim

Researcher Joachim Giesen Learning of Geometry Name of Research Group: Learning of Geometry Personal Homepage: Mentor Saarbrücken: Hans-Peter Seidel Mentor Stanford: Leonidas Guibas Research Mission: Learning of Geometry: Given samples obtained from a shape we want to learn some of its geometric and topological characteristics. A popular example that fits in this framework is surface reconstruction: to obtain a digital model of some solid one samples its surface, e.g., by using a laser range scanner, and applies a...

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Funke, Stefan

Researcher Stefan Funke Geometry-Guided Design and Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks Name of Research Group: Geometry-Guided Design and Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks Mentor Saarbrücken: Kurt Mehlhorn Mentor Stanford: Leonidas Guibas Research Mission: Mobile applications, such as cellular phone service, digital imaging, and portable computing are driving the need for high-bandwidth wireless communication networks. Wireless communication introduces new (spatial) constraints on the design and operation of communication networks. For example, the power required to...

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Flierl, Markus

Researcher Markus Flierl Visual Sensor Networks Mentor Saarbrücken: Hans-Peter Seidel Mentor Stanford: Bernd Girod Research Mission: Visual information plays a prominent role in our daily lives. This is not surprising as the human being is ocular-centric. We aim to use our visual sense most efficiently and we make use of visual information to communicate our messages. Images and video have changed the way we see the world. An image is capable of capturing the impression of a moment. Video adds another dimension capturing the constant change of the expression of our world. But...

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Blanz, Volker

Researcher Volker Blanz Learning-Based Modeling of Objects Name of Research Group: Learning-Based Modeling of Objects Personal Homepage: Mentor Saarbrücken: Hans-Peter Seidel Mentor Stanford: Bernd Girod Research Mission: As technology in Computer Graphics becomes more and more powerful, a tremendous increase in the complexity of rendered scenes and a high demand for realism has posed new challenges for modeling and rendering. It has become essential to replace as much as possible of artists’ and designers’ manual work by automated...

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Baccichet, Pierpaolo

Researcher Pierpaolo Baccichet Distributed Media Systems Name of Research Group: Distributed Media Systems Personal Homepage: Mentor Saarbrücken: Hans-Peter Seidel Mentor Stanford: Bernd Girod Research Mission: Nowadays, several applications require the transmission of multimedia content to clients, possibly sparse all over the world. While multimedia data delivery presents very stringent requirements in terms of bandwidth, delay and jitter, today's networks often fail to provide the necessary "quality of service." Congestion and...

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Ihrke, Ivo

Researcher Ivo Ihrke Generalized Image Acquisition and Analysis Name of Research Group: Generalized Image Acquisition and Analysis Personal Homepage: Mentor Saarbrücken: Hans-Peter Seidel Research Mission: Our group is interested in devising novel imaging devices and reconstruction techniques mainly for 3D acquisition, especially in the case of difficult to scan objects and surfaces. We want to extend the capabilities of current 3D scanning devices by analyzing the image formation process in general cameras and using the devised knowledge for...

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